
A&S 13-18 (Teens)


Here Comes Even


Your influence as a parent will never go away. Your teen, however, is now surrounded by new influences, insecurities, pressures, and distractions. You can guide them toward Christ
— it’s time to lean in!

Expect. Build. GrowTogether

Your search for parenting advice is easy with this biblically rooted, research-based content. Here are 3 ways to find what you need on your parenting journey:


Sign up to get weekly emails with information that fits your child’s age and stage, and answer relevant questions.


Provide your child’s birth month and we will send a rich, clinical cache of downloadable content designed to inform you for the year ahead.

Additional Resources

On-demand, biblical, practical, and personal tips to build your relationship with your child and model a thriving life with God.

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