egg carton
12 plastic Easter eggs
small toys or objects
1. Twelve days before Easter, read the first Bible passage below, taken from the Easter story.
Day 1: Matthew 21:1-11
Day 2: Matthew 26:1-16
Day 3: John 13:1-17
Day 4: Matthew 26:26-30
Day 5: Matthew 26:36-46
Day 6: Matthew 26:47-56
Day 7: John 19:1-16
Day 8: John 19:17-27
Day 9: John 19:28-37
Day 10: John 19:38-42
Day 11: Matthew 27:57-66
Day 12: John 20 or Matthew 28
2. Find a symbol to fill your first plastic egg. For example, Jesus rides into Jerusalem in Matthew 21, so you could use a plastic donkey or horse. You could also use a small leaf to symbolize the palm branches.
3. Each day, read a new passage and fill another egg. You can also draw a picture on a slip of paper. Here are some suggestions.
Day 1: toy donkey or small leaf
Day 2: silver coin
Day 3: bit of soap
Day 4: small cracker
Day 5: picture of hands praying
Day 6: LEGO sword or lipstick kiss on paper
Day 7: crown (pipe cleaners feel prickly)
Day 8: small cross
Day 9: LEGO spear
Day 10: potpourri or partial cinnamon stick
Day 11: stone
Day 12: tissue
4. By Easter Sunday, you’ll be able to tell the entire story with your eggs!