Learn how to identify the two most unrealistic expectations in marriage and open the door to a healthy relationship with your spouse.
Unrealistic Expectations
Expectations, we all have them! Most of us have high expectations or preferred futures we desire our kids to experience. We know what the result should be, but not necessarily the steps to get there! And sometimes, let’s be honest, when trauma and the world we live in collide, things aren’t as they appear. When …
Emotional abuse in marriage is one of the hardest forms of abuse to recognize, but unrepentant patterns are the key to identifying it.
I’ve yet to meet a married couple who didn’t struggle with unspoken expectations. By learning to talk about expectations in your marriage, you can begin to establish a more satisfying relationship.
Let’s talk dresses, friends and truths about prom
When my husband and I let go of our expectations about gift-giving, we discovered new ways to feel loved and celebrated
Creating expectations of how life should go can open our hearts up to disappointment. However, if we live with anticipation and expectancy of what is to come, and what God is doing in our lives, we can experience greater joy in the journey.
If you are angry, afraid, resentful, jealous or depressed, the fault may lie in your thinking.
The house and children aren’t solely my responsibility. And the chaos isn’t entirely mine, either. My husband, Greg, is an equal partner with equal responsibility. He’s not simply “helping” me.
It’s easy to keep our character flaws covered up when we aren’t living in the most intimate covenant relationship on earth — marriage. But married life has a way of exposing us.