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Home » Episodes » Focus on the Family Broadcast » Your Marriage Can Win the Battle Against Pornography (Part 1 of 2)
John Fuller: Tragically, many people believe it’s a non-issue. It’s normal, it’s private, and it doesn’t harm anyone. But today on Focus on the Family with Jim Daly, we’ll learn more about a horrible addiction that’s destroying far too many men, women and their marriages. And due to the serious nature of the topic, we recommend you direct the attention of young listeners elsewhere.
Mark Makinney: When someone’s addicted to pornography, their brain doesn’t function very well. And I know guys are gonna roll their eyes and going, “My brain function’s fine. I’m a financial analyst, whatever, I do something important, use my brain a lot.” But relationally, they don’t get it. Dude, just trust me on this, your brain is not working and has not been working well. You don’t see the gravity of the situation.
Jim Daly: Uh, that comment comes from Mark Makinney, who for more than 10 years has been counseling men and married couples through the painful and often redemptive process of recovery from sexual addition. Uh, Mark and his wife, Rosie, are our special guests today. And we’ll hear a lot more from them in a moment. But let me say this, uh, right upfront, pornography, it is a poison that harms everyone. The addict, their spouse, uh, their marriage, the family. And worse, Christians are not immune. We’re gonna talk about some of those statistics. Uh, it will shake your world to know how many people are caught up in porn addiction. Um, it’s devastating how many husbands and wives too, it’s not just a male issue, but it is, uh, more and more a female issue as well, uh, but many of us in the Christian community are ensnared by that evil addiction too. And, uh, maybe this is where you’re at. I don’t want to heap, uh, guilt upon you, it’s about getting help. And, uh, that’s for you and your spouse. So our prayer is that God will touch your heart through this program today and prompt you to get the help you need. That’s the bottom line. Focus on the Family is here for you, we have great resources, even a counseling team who can talk with you.
John: Yeah, and you can schedule a time with one of those counselors when you call 800 the letter A and the word FAMILY. We’ll have details as well online at focusonthefamily.com/broadcast.
Jim: I mentioned that Mark and Rosie are with us. Rosie, uh, was our guest a couple of years ago, and she was describing her passion to strengthen and destroy women who have been blindsided by their husband’s pornography addiction. Uh, Mark and Rosie have lived through this pain in their own marriage. That’s what brings such credibility to their testimony. And now they’re sharing that good news that God can heal. Uh, you may be feeling like there’s no way. Well, here’s evidence that there is a way. This couple has gone through it. Uh, they know restoration and redemption and they will fight for you too through this great resource that Rosie has authored, Fight for Love. Uh, Mark and Rosie, welcome to the broadcast.
Rosie Makinney: Thank you for having us. It’s lovely to be here.
Mark: It is lovely. Thank you.
Jim: Uh, I mean, this is, uh, some listeners are going, “Wow, okay, you can really talk this openly about this,” as John said, this private corner of your life. But where is there power in talking about it so openly?
Mark: I think the power comes from a, the simple message that it’s a sin. And so it is a sin, yes, but how, how is it… It shouldn’t be isolating us, right?
Jim: Mm.
Mark: So I think it-
Jim: But that’s what it does.
Mark: Right. But you gotta think about why does it isolate us?
Jim: Mm-hmm.
Mark: So why is it that, that if we gossip or we’re fearful or something else that it doesn’t isolate us, but this one does?
Jim: Yeah.
Mark: That’s what I think the important thing. So the message of the gospel is to walk in the light, and I love that, absolutely love that verse in first John where if you look up the word, it’s peripateo, that’s translated as walk, but it’s, it means to conduct your life. So the Lord is telling us, “Conduct your life in the light.” And so that’s the power of it, the power of it is once we walk in the light, then the light of Christ comes into that.
Jim: You know, it’s great to have that spiritual foundation in that regard. The brain chemistry is important too. A lot of people don’t realize what’s going on there. In fact, I’ve heard that, uh, pornography addiction is even a greater addiction than cocaine. I mean, the brain is living off that dopamine hit. There’s so much biochemically that’s going on there. Uh, you can’t switch it off, you mention that in your talks and all, but, uh, what was your experience in that regard? What does it mean you can’t switch it off?
Mark: Well, the, the devastating thing about pornography is that you can get high in your brain. You, you don’t have to buy anything. You don’t… Your eyes aren’t gonna dilate. Uh, the… And as you said, there is no off switch. So… And that’s why the redemptive path has to be very clearly a scriptural one in that you rely absolutely on the Lord because you can be on an airplane and get high. All you have to do is close your eyes.
Jim: Mm.
Mark: And in our pornafide society, there’s, there’s alluring images everywhere. So… And I’m not in any way demeaning alcoholism, ’cause I know that’s a terrible disease, and drug addiction, that’s terrible as well, but this one, you can actually get your drug from your own head.
Jim: Yeah.
John: Mm.
Jim: I mean, that’s… And that manipulation, that addiction is in the end so destructive, and sometimes people don’t realize that, um, uh, the loss of pleasure. I mean, it-
Mark: Mm.
Jim: … creates in you a requirement that you need more stimulation, correct?
Mark: Correct.
Jim: And, I mean, it, it really feeds upon itself, that n- regular intimate relationship with your spouse may not provide enough appeal-
Mark: Right.
Jim: … to that porn addicted man particularly.
Mark: Yeah. 50% of men actually avoid their wives. I mea- that are-
Jim: That are addicted to porn.
Mark: That are addicted to porn, yeah.
Jim: Yeah.
Mark: And the other 50% actually want their wives to participate in a way that porn has taught them.
Jim: Huh.
Mark: ‘Cause there’s something called sexual conditioning, which is another very destructive thing about porn as opposed to cocaine in that it act… cocaine doesn’t change your sexual tastes, porn does.
Jim: Huh.
Mark: And like cocaine, though, it does, it creates a dopamine surge, which then your brain goes, “Whoa, this is a lot,” so it shuts down receptors, which is why everything else in life seem… you know, a sunset, even being intimate with your wife, uh, is not as exciting as, um, internet pornography.
Jim: That’s kinda the definition of addiction, right?
Mark: Yes.
Jim: It, it supplants what is normal and natural and good.
Mark: Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Jim: So much how, you know, the s- struggle in life is all about, right?
Mark: Yeah.
Jim: Good and evil.
Mark: Yes. Yeah.
Jim: I mean, evil represents this thing that you think will give you everything you need, and it doesn’t.
Mark: Yeah.
Jim: It comes up wanting. You come up wanting. Rosie, let me turn to you. Uh, you have some heartbreaking statistics about the scope of the pornography addiction, uh, even within the Christian community. What does that look like? Paint a picture for us.
Rosie: Um, yes, they are heartbreaking, but in some ways, they are very encouraging for women who are dealing with this because, um, the st-
Jim: Now, dealing with the spouse-
Rosie: Yeah.
Jim: … or dealing with it themselves?
Rosie: Dealing with a spouse.
Jim: Okay.
Rosie: We’ll talk about dealing with it yourself in a second if you like.
Jim: Yeah.
Rosie: Um, yeah, 55% of Christian married men are regularly looking at porn. By that, I mean at least once a month.
Jim: Mm-hmm.
Rosie: Um, one in 10 is looking at it at least daily.
Jim: Wow.
Rosie: Um-
Jim: That’s in the church.
Rosie: That’s in the church. And-
Jim: It shows you the power-
Rosie: Yeah.
Jim: … that this has. I mean, when you look at it, even the biblical stories, what’s so amazing is human sexuality is powerful.
John: Mm-hmm.
Jim: I mean, it is a bondage if we don’t manage it within the Lord’s gift.
Rosie: That’s why I love the work that you do presenting what healthy sexuality looks like and, and how it fits into God’s design.
Jim: Mm.
Rosie: You know, Julie Slattery’s work. Because so often we, we focus on fighting against pornography instead of fighting for something beautiful, something glorious as per God’s design.
Jim: Yeah.
Rosie: So it’s just a slightly different perspective instead of, like, you know, we’ve got to be shameful and we’re fighting this horrible scourge. It’s like, no, let’s just talk about it and actually fight for something really amazing and transformative-
Jim: Mm.
Rosie: … and powerful. And that’s why we’re open to talking about it, because you don’t have to hide in the shadows. So many people are dealing with this. And there is such hope and life and light on, on the other side, let’s do this, let’s talk about it.
Jim: Well, and that’s one of the great difficulties I find, that we kinda don’t wanna talk about this. They feel it’s inappropriate, the, whoever the they are, but l- Christian leadership generally, uh, listeners to programs like this, (laughs) they feel a bit uncomfortable, maybe because they’re not dealing with it and they think, “Wow, why would you talk about a topic that is s- such a minority situation?” The point is, this is not one of those, 55% of men in the church are dealing with it. We need to talk about it to carve a path for healthiness.
Rosie: And I, I believe, Jim, I believe God wants us to talk about it, because tell Jim the scripture that came to you this morning, ’cause this is really cool.
Jim: Wow.
Mark: Um, the weaker part, the part that seems to be weaker is necessary, Corinthians, and it’s powerful, because I really… We look upon this, don’t we, Jim, like, “Oh, this is the really bad sin,” but the blessing of it is, it actually reveals that I’m a sinner.
Jim: Oh, yeah.
Mark: That, that’s… But the beautiful thing is, I, I truly, I am not ashamed of the fact that I was addicted to porn for d… I’m really not, because the blessing in it is that I have come to realize that I, in my own power, I cannot, apart from him, I can do nothing, and that’s a blessing.
Jim: Yeah. I do wanna come back, uh, Rosie, to the women.
Rosie: Yes.
Jim: Uh, because this is a bit jaw dropping.
Rosie: Yeah.
Jim: It makes sense given where the culture’s at and the over sexualization that’s occurring in our culture and kinda the women empowerment thing, but what, what’s the percentage of women who are, uh, caught in pornography?
Rosie: Well, it depends on what country you’re in, ’cause it slightly varies, but it’s about a third.
Jim: Hm.
Rosie: About a third of women.
Jim: 33%.
Rosie: Yeah, it… And it’s interesting how different countries have slightly different numbers.
Jim: Yeah.
Rosie: Um, but it’s our yo… the younger girls that’s the really shocking one.
Jim: Yeah.
Rosie: It’s our g- you know, our middle school girls and our high school girls who are-
Jim: Oh, wow.
Rosie: … who are drowning in this stuff.
Jim: Is there an explanation for that other than-
Rosie: It’s, it’s-
Jim: … what I just said?
Rosie: It’s available everywhere.
Jim: Mm.
Rosie: It’s no… What was the statistic about the normalcy that young people now believe, was it like 20% of young people today now believe that pornography is not-
Mark: It, it’s good for society.
Rosie: It’s good for society.
Jim: It’s good, yeah.
Mark: And here’s a trippy thing is that Josh McDowell did a, a study, I think it was like four years ago, and, um, they said that more peop… young people under the age of 30 believe that not recycling is more immoral than porn, not recycling.
Jim: Wow.
Rosie: Yeah.
Mark: Wow.
Rosie: So that’s what they’re up against, and it’s everywhere, and, you know, the magazines are actively pushing it at you, promoting it, social media-
Jim: Well, it’s an industry, a multi-billion dollar industry that’s gonna fight-
Rosie: Yeah. Yeah.
Jim: … tooth and nail to make sure they have a customer base that’s growing.
Rosie: Absolutely.
Jim: And that’s one wide open way you need to look at this-
Rosie: Yeah.
Jim: … in addition to the spiritual connotations. Uh, what are some of the warning signs for a husband or a wife, uh, that their spouse is viewing pornography, that there’s concern?
Mark: Pornography is an… they call it an intimacy disorder, but it basically destroys your ability to be intimate. And there’s actually secular resources that focus on this, so it’s not just coming from a Christian perspective. But, so as it destroys your ability to be intimate, what happens is the guy, think about it, you’re hiding something. The analogy I use with guys is you’ve just slit your wrist but you bandaged it up and you’ve gone in the house with your hand behind your back-
Jim: Hm.
Mark: … and you’re going, “Hi, honey, how are you?” I mean, there’s no way you’re going to be able to relate to that, to her. So it, you become critical, you become defensive, you become withdrawn, those are the three big ones.
Jim: Yeah. Let me, let me ask this, because some of those, you have to be a little, uh, cautious, I would think. Correct me if I’m wrong, but you could have a distant husband-
Mark: Sure.
Jim: … who’s not looking at pornography,-
Rosie: Yeah.
Jim: … he’s just emotionally distant.
Mark: Sure. Absolutely.
Jim: So you have to put multiple pieces together.
Rosie: And it’s those practical signs, like, you know, why doesn’t he come to bed at the same time as I do? You know, where’s he going on the way home from work?
Jim: What’s he doing?
Rosie: What’s he doing?
Jim: Yeah.
Rosie: Is it to do with pornography if you’re picking up all these signs? Uh, well, statistically, it’s really worth having the conversation.
Jim: Yes.
Rosie: And hopefully he’ll be open with you.
Jim: Mm.
Mark: Can I… But, uh, what I would suggest there, because what wives have done that I’ve encountered is that a wife will say, “Honey, are you addicted to porn?” Now, the thing is, because pornography-
Jim: So you gotta self-identify, you gotta figure out, oh, am I addicted? No.
Mark: Right.
Jim: No, I’m not addicted.
Mark: And guys will look at porn the night before that question’s asked, and wake up in the morning and go, “Thank you, God, I’m free.” And the answer to their wife will be, “No.” So a wife, if you’re gonna engage in this conversation, you need to ask the husband, “When’s the last time you sought out…” and I would even use the term alluring content.
Jim: Yeah.
Mark: ‘Cause guys will look at things that, that are pornography, but it’s not what they consider pornography. So that’s the question you wanna ask your husband.
Rosie: Yeah.
Jim: Yeah.
John: We’re talking today on Focus on the Family with Mark and Rosie Makinney, and, um, this is obviously a sensitive subject, as Jim mentioned earlier, we have counselors here, we have a lot of resources if this is a struggle for you, including the book that Rosie wrote called Fight for Love. Uh, and reach out to us if we can help you. Or number’s 800 the letter A and the word FAMILY, or we’ve got all the details at focusonthefamily.com/broadcast.
Jim: Uh, Mark, let’s start explaining your pathway. Uh, we alluded to it, but, uh, you became addicted, uh, to pornography. What did that struggle look like? How long did it last? Let’s just go to the core thing.
Mark: Right. Decades, first of all. And I think the hardest thing in this process for guys is that they actually, call it pride, call it fear, call it lack of faith, but they, they want to solve this on their own, and that was my biggest failure. If I just read this book. And, and I’m, I’m a conservative Christian, the Bible is living and active, but what I did is I memorized the Bible, but then I’d act out in the afternoon.
Jim: Well, you were really being one of the 55%.
Mark: Yes.
Jim: I mean, that’s-
Mark: Yes.
Jim: … the way to describe it.
Mark: Yeah.
Jim: You were f… You were committed to Christ, you just couldn’t-
Mark: Yes.
Jim: … get this under control.
Mark: Because I wanted… Here’s the thing for me, I wanted to do it my way.
Jim: (laughs)
Mark: So I would say to people, I was telling Jesus what to do.
John: Mm.
Mark: And praise the Lord, he did not obey me.
John: Hm.
Jim: Yeah.
Mark: He didn’t. And so that was the path for me, is that… And I think what guys go through, there’s, we all have this kind of, like, you know, Asherah pole or idol of our own self-image. I wanted people to see me as calm and funny and this and that, so I didn’t want to expose to anybody that I was addicted to porn. I didn’t want to expose to anybody that I looked at porn last night. But the Lord calls us into that fellowship because he, we are sheep, not polar bears. He makes is inherently needy of community, and that’s how we heal.
Jim: Rosie, uh, again, to give some of the contour to your story together, uh, y- you kind of quickly figured out there was a problem, I think it was day eight of your marriage and you’re on your honeymoon, and what happened?
Rosie: Yeah. So ours is slightly different in that before getting married, I’d already been in a relationship, before I was a Christian, um, with an unrepentant porn addict, and so I’d got sort of quite a lot of history and baggage and experience. And then I became a Christian and I meet Mark and we get married and everything’s fine, and then we get married, and then intimacy comes into the equation, and it’s Jekyll and Hyde, and I’m like, “Okay, this is really peculiar.”
Jim: Probably a bit flashback for you as well.
Rosie: Yeah. Yeah.
Jim: I mean, like, wow.
Rosie: And, and it’s, like, what has happened? Because he’s angry and critical and resentful and blaming and it’s making him angry, and I’m like, okay, something is really, really, really, really, really wrong here. And because I’d had that prior experience, I didn’t immediately go, “Oh, it must be me, I must be a terrible disappointment.” It’s like, no, we have a really big problem here, and so we need help. So I said, right, “We’re gonna see somebody.” And at which point she listened and she said, “Well, you do realize, you know, he’s a porn and sex addict.” And I went, “Ah.” Okay, and at which point I put my boundary down, like, “We need to get this out of the equation. You can have pornography or you can have me, but you can’t have both.”
Jim: Wow.
Rosie: “And then I’ll see who I’ve married.”
Jim: So that’s the ultimatum-
Rosie: Yeah, because it-
Jim: … that you had to express to Mark.
Rosie: And, and here’s the thing that I really want people to hear, it’s not just the… ‘Cause I didn’t find a, a stash of magazines, it was the, it was the way it effects your behavior and the way they treat you and the way they value you.
Jim: Yeah.
Rosie: And, and as… You know, and just the dissatisfaction and the criticism and all that, um, that was, like, the huge red flags. And, and I was kind of putting pieces together, I’d seen some of the, the, the sort of symptoms before, but I didn’t know, but I just knew, “This isn’t right. We need help, and it’s not me, or it’s not entirely me.”
Jim: Yeah. Rosie, let me dig in a little bit to something you said very quickly that’s so, to me, is so critical for women to hear whose husbands are addicted to pornography. It is amazing the capacity women have to look at themselves first,-
Rosie: Mm-hmm.
Jim: … that self-blame, that’s the initial reaction. I do not find men to be that way. We have bigger egos, I guess, and we quickly blame other people. So speak to that woman who needs to find that inner strength to say, “Whoa, this is not me.”
Rosie: Yeah.
Jim: “This is not my fault.” That seems really critical in the process.
Rosie: I love that you brought that up, Jim, because you’re right, it’s 76% of women who are in this position think it’s their own fault at some point, like, it is the, the sort of, like, the default position, and that comes from all sorts of reasons. Your husband tells you, the world tells you, the church says you’re not having enough sex or not enough good sex.
Jim: You’re not adequate, all those things.
Rosie: All… Whatever. So it is really hard to see through the lies, and the fact that your heart’s now absolutely broken in two and you’re devastated, you need help. Knowledge is power, you know, you need fellowship of other women to come alongside you and say, “I know that you’re falling apart right now, and we’re gonna hold you until we can get you back on your feet, and we’re gonna stand side-by-side while you put those boundaries in place, because you’re not gonna be able to do it on your own, ’cause it’s so, so hard.” The only reason I did it on my own was because I was literally physically isolated on the other side of the world, given up my entire support system, so it must’ve just been the Holy Spirit going, you know, “We have to do something now.” You know, it was like stand… jumping off a cliff, like,-
Jim: Oh, yeah. Well, it takes a lot of-
Rosie: … you know, I don’t know what’s gonna happen, but I’m still putting a boundary in.
Jim: I just, man, I’m proud of you, because it takes a lot of insight and fortitude to react the way you did.
Rosie: Or desperation.
Jim: And we’re gonna get more into that.
Rosie: Yeah.
Jim: But Mark, let me come back to you, this is kinda the ping pong of the story.
Rosie: (laughs)
Jim: But in that regard, when Rosie laid down that ultimatum, I mean, “It, it’s either porn or me, you pick,” how’d you react to that?
Mark: I didn’t like it. (laughs)
Rosie: (laughs)
Jim: Right.
Mark: Yeah.
Jim: I don’t like the choices.
Mark: Yeah. (laughs)
Jim: I want choice C.
Mark: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Jim: Yeah.
Mark: I can deal with this on my own, don’t worry. Um, and really, the, I think one of the things is, at the time, d- b- if I’m gonna be completely transparent, I was blaming her, blaming her, blaming her. Oh, here she goes with the boundary again, ah. I mean, I’m, I knew it was wrong, but my… and this is, guys come at it this way, a lot of times guys will say, “But what about you? What about all your dysfunction or your”-
Jim: That was your immediate response? (laughs)
Mark: Totally. Totally.
Jim: Oh, my gosh.
Mark: You know, so, but-
Jim: Yeah.
Mark: … God had us in a position where I really truly had no choice. And it, I look ba… Now I look back and I am so incredibly grateful-
Jim: Yeah.
Mark: … because had she not put that boundary down, I’d probably still be there today.
Jim: Yeah. And before we get to more of the recovery process, I, I do wanna come back, Rosie, because, uh, you know, uh, I guess there would be categories of response from women in this situation. The revelation comes to light, it’s validated, he’s admitting it, now you have these categories of responses. “Well, it’s either me or the pornography,” seems like a mature reaction. Some women will be, “You’ve committed adultery. We’re done.” And they’re out of the relationship. Uh, to maybe a passive approach, “Well, let’s work on it over the next year and see how things go.” I don’t know, I’m just filling that blank in.
Rosie: Yeah.
Jim: But speak to the wisdom, uh, you know, the fact that you stuck with it. Some women would’ve said bye-bye.
Rosie: I think… I mean, here’s the thing, it really depends on your circumstances, because had we been married for 35 years and got four children and, uh, you know, I’ve got no way of financially supporting myself and I was… my r- response would’ve been probably different. But because we just got married, and even though I’d given up, you know, my country, my job, my life, my fa- I’d just given up everything to marry him, in some ways, I’d already lost everything.
Jim: Hm.
Rosie: It would just be, “Okay, I’m gonna be out there on my way.” But i- it’s… Which is why I want to emphasize, you need support to hold the line, to hold that boundary, because it’s so terrifying to suddenly have your whole marriage threatened by something which is totally out of your control. So, um, it, it feels unnatural to then bring other people in at that point, but you really do need support, because your fear is gonna be overwhelming at that point of what’s gonna happen.
Jim: Well, and I think that, if I could portray it this way, that battle between your fear and any glimmer of hope-
Rosie: Yeah. Yeah.
Jim: … is really the contest. And, and for you, when did you feel that there was hope for your marriage?
Rosie: Um, it was when (laughs) we-
Mark: Conference.
Rosie: Yeah, we went, it was a very romantic New Years Eve treat, he took me to a, a 12 step-
Jim: Recovery program. (laughs)
Rosie: … retreat. So we got that, yes, so just him, me, and-
Jim: Well, no, at least it was a step.
Rosie: … him, me, and 80, 80 sex addicts, it was very romantic. Um, and-
Jim: (laughs)
Rosie: … I saw the brokenness in everybody and started to understand my own brokenness, and it was transformative because now it wasn’t just like I’ve got the one (laughs) monster in the world and somehow I’ve married him, it’s like, we’re all broken.
Jim: Mm.
Rosie: And that was transformative.
Jim: Mm-hmm.
Rosie: And it’s like, okay, I don’t know what the future holds, but I need healing, I need help, he needs healing, he needs help. He’s still my friend, I still care about him, I still want the best for him. What does our future look like? I don’t know. However, let’s just put a pause on that, you know, on making big decisions, and let’s just get as much help and as much healing as we can, because I wanna get to the bottom of how I’ve gotten in this situation.
Jim: Hm.
Rosie: Not that it was any way I’m responsible, but there were red flags in the engagement that I just blew past, you know, looking back in retrospect. So it’s like, I’ve obviously got some things that I could use healing on as well. And then I’m gonna be a new person and he’s gonna be a new person, and then we’ll see if actually we, we want to be married. Because the thing was, I was so convinced that God wanted me to marry him. And it was like, it was almost like I was just putting the decision towards God and going, “Okay I’m gonna (laughs) give you nine months, God, you know, to show me why you put us together, because I really do believe you did.” I r- I felt so strongly. And so even though, for my eyes, it looked like everything had fallen to ruins and as though this great divine cosmic trick had been played on me, I still couldn’t release that hope, that fear that actually he had a plan.
Jim: Yeah.
Rosie: He had a plan, and I just had to hang on and just had to stick with it and be really, um, brave and look at my own stuff. Not that my stuff’s responsible for anything for him, but my own brokenness, you know?
Jim: Yeah. Oh, I mean-
Rosie: So that was, that was the transformative point because then there’s hope.
Jim: Yeah.
Rosie: Then I have hope in my future because I can take ownership over making good decisions.
Jim: Well, and I… You know, what is screaming at me is the fact that I think, and again, you said it so well that it’s kind of down to a case-by-case situation, and I get that, I don’t wanna be insensitive to, uh, perhaps even a much worse problem that a spouse is feeling, or particularly a wife, but it, it must give God great pleasure when a couple can reconcile, when it… ‘Cause that’s the scripture, when they can actually figure it out, correct the sin and move together in unity with him, which is the goal, right? And so again, your courage, both of you, really, each had a different part to play, but what a powerful story. Let’s come back next time, talk more about how God did do that to give hope to the person listening or maybe the dozen or hundreds that are listening right now that need this kind help. Can we do that?
Mark: Right on.
Rosie: Sounds good.
John: Mm-hmm.
Jim: Okay, let’s do it. Folks, this is it, this is real, this is, uh, kinda where you say the rubber meets the road, right? This is real life, this is, (laughs) as we talked about, 55% of men in the church, maybe 33% of women in the church are hooked by this addiction of pornography. Don’t stay there. It will destroy you. And that’s the testimony we get from so many couples who call us and they’ve made different decisions. Some have stuck it out and felt the healing of the Lord and have really some of the most intimate marriages now because everything is known.
John: Hm.
Jim: And then there’s those that break up over this and have a lifetime of regret. Don’t be in that category. Let’s find a way to get you the help you need. We’re here for you. We’ve got this great book that Rosie has written, Fight for Love. And if you can make a gift of any amount, uh, if you could do it monthly, that helps us reach more and more people, if you could do it on a one time basis, that’s great. We’ll send it to you as our way of saying thank you for being part of the ministry. If you can’t afford that, man, we’re a ministry, so we’ll get it into your hands. Just call us and we’ll trust that others will cover the expense of that. Either way, get in touch with us. Counseling is available.
John: Mm-hmm.
Jim: Other resources too. We wanna help you. We wanna help you experience what Mark and Rosie have experienced, that’s the healing from God.
John: Yeah. Yeah, we’re a phone call away. 800 the letter A and the word FAMILY. 800-232-6459. Or, uh, we’ve got details about how you can get help, uh, from our counselors, uh, get a copy of this book by Rosie Makinney, Fight for Love. Um, get other resources, but get help when you call or stop by focusonthefamily.com/broadcast.
Jim: And if your marriage and family is in a good place, let me invite you to participate in a special campaign Focus has going on right now. Uh, some generous friends have offered to provide us with a matching gift through the end of this year. And that means any gift you give us will be doubled, and as a result, you will help rescue twice as many hurting marriages and give families hope during this holiday season. This is a great opportunity for you to do ministry through Focus on the Family, and I wanna urge you to contact us right away.
John: Yeah, call today. Our number is 800-A-FAMILY or donate online at focusonthefamily.com/broadcast. On behalf of Jim Daly and the entire team, thanks for joining us today for Focus on the Family. I’m John Fuller inviting you back as we continue the conversation with Mark and Rosie Makinney, and once again, help you and your family thrive in Christ.
Mark Makinney is an ordained minister and CSAT trained, Pastoral Sex Addiction Provider who has been working with individuals and couples for the last 12 years. Rosie Makinney is a coach, author, podcaster, and founder of Fight For Love Ministries, which equips wives with the faith and the facts to take back their marriages from porn. Mark and Rosie live in Idaho with their two boys. Connect with Mark at www.markmakinney.com and Rosie at www.fightforloveministries.org
Receive the book Fight for Love and a free audio download of “Your Marriage Can Win the Battle Against Pornography” for your donation of any amount! Right now, you can DOUBLE YOUR DOLLARS to GIVE FAMILIES HOPE through our YEAR-END MATCH provided by generous friends of the ministry.
Quitting porn is possible. You can break free from the effects of porn addiction and start on a journey toward healing. These judgment-free resources are designed to encourage you and give you practical steps to move toward freedom and recovery.
Check out this new podcast that discusses why pornography hurts a marriage and how freedom can be found in God's grace. Whether you've struggled with pornography or been hurt by your spouse's usage of it, this series will help you start a journey toward healing.
Visit our online store and purchase a CD of today's program for yourself or to share with a friend.
Focus on the Family's staff of licensed, professional counselors can help you bring healing and restoration to your family with Christian perspectives you can trust.
For couples in crisis – you can still put the pieces of your marriage back together with Hope Restored.
Two main stances against porn. Christians are not immune and both genders are tempted, but there is hope.
Stop the shame cycle, if you don’t will justify future sin, initiates the healing of truth and trust, staying happens when truth is told, and allows the spouse time to forgive.
There is a story in their that is helpful along with statistics of porn addictions in the United States and then links for help.
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