Materials for the Visually Impaired
Referrals to secular organizations dealing with specialized areas of knowledge shouldn’t be read as an indication that their stances necessarily align with Focus on the Family’s perspective in all areas.
American Bible Society
This organization helps people understand and share Scripture with others in their home, work environment, or church. They offer Bibles in several languages, as well as scriptural resources for the visually impaired.
Audio Bibles for the Blind
This group provides audio Bibles to those who are visually impaired or who cannot physically hold or manage books.
Bibles for the Blind and Visually Handicapped International
This group provides Bibles in Braille to those who are blind or visually handicapped.
Blind Children’s Center
This organization works with visually impaired children from birth through elementary school.
The Braille Circulating Library
This library has a selection of materials in Braille and audio format, including the Bible, Bible commentaries, Bible studies, and devotions.
CARE Ministries, Inc. (Christian Association for Rehabilitation and Education Ministries)
This ministry offers a variety of services to the blind and visually impaired, their families, and their churches.
The Gospel Association for the Blind, Inc.
Through their circulating library, this group provides numerous books and study guides in Braille and audio format, free of charge.
Inspiration Ministries
This Christian-based residential community includes a work center, a resale shop, special events, and volunteer opportunities that give people with disabilities a chance to build friendships and serve the community.
National Federation of the Blind
This organization advocates for the civil rights and equality of blind Americans. They develop innovative education, technology, and training programs to provide tools for independence to the blind and those who are losing vision.
National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
Through a national network of cooperating libraries, the National Library Service administers a free library program of Braille and audio materials.