
Resources: Separation & Divorce


Separation & Divorce


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Beauty in Battle by Jason and Tori Benham
When you and your spouse choose to no longer fight against each other in a personal battle but alongside one another in a spiritual war, the results are amazing.

Boundaries in Marriage by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend
Boundaries are the “property lines” that define and protect husbands and wives as individuals. Once they are in place, a good marriage can become better, and a less-than-satisfying one can even be saved.

Breaking the Cycle of Divorce (eBook) by Dr. John Trent 
“How Your Marriage Can Succeed Even If Your Parents’ Didn’t”

Choosing Him All Over Again by Juana Mikels
“A Story of Romance and Redemption”

The Controlling Husband: What Every Woman Needs to Know by Dr. Ron Welch
As a clinical psychologist – and a recovering controlling husband himself – Dr. Ron Welch shows women that just because “he’s always been this way” doesn’t mean their marriage must be that way forever.

The Emotionally Destructive Marriage by Leslie Vernick
“How to Find Your Voice and Reclaim Your Hope”

Fight for Love: How to Take Your Marriage Back from Porn by Rosie Makinney
With God’s help and a battle plan in hand, wives and their husbands can face the darkness and emerge victorious, taking back their marriages and families.

Growing Through Divorce by Jim Smoke 
“Experiencing Hope and Happiness After Divorce”

I Do Again by Cheryl and Jeff Scruggs
Rediscovering their original love more than seven years after divorcing, the Scruggs share their journey—from an affair, to divorce, to prayerfully seeking redemption and restoration.

I Don’t Love You Anymore by David Clarke
“What to Do When He Says, I Don’t Love You Anymore: An Action Plan to Regain Confidence, Power, and Control”

I Don’t Want a Divorce by David Clarke 
“A 90-Day Guide to Saving Your Marriage”

Love Must Be Tough: New Hope for Marriages in Crisis by Dr. James Dobson
Dr. Dobson offers hope for troubled or abusive marriages, victims of infidelity, and others on the brink of divorce.

Mended: One Couple’s Journey From Betrayal to Imperfect Beauty by Rick and Tiffany Bulman
What would you do if your marriage was on the edge of collapse because of betrayal?

Nothing to Hide (free PDF download) by Joann Condie
“Hope for Marriages Hurt by Pornography and Infidelity”

One More Try by Gary Chapman
“What to Do When Your Marriage Is Falling Apart”

When God Interrupts by M. Craig Barnes
“Finding New Life Through Unwanted Change”

When Happily Ever After Shatters by Susan Birdseye
“Seeing God in the Midst of Divorce & Single Parenting”

When I Do Becomes I Don’t by Laura Petherbridge 
“Practical Steps During Separation and Divorce”

A Woman’s Guide to Healing the Heartbreak of Divorce by Rose Sweet
Whether you’re facing divorce or grieving a past marriage, learn to let go of your pain. Begin the healing process by forgiving, problem-solving, communicating, and setting new priorities and boundaries.

Yes, Your Marriage Can Be Saved (eBook) by Joe and Michelle Williams
“12 Truths for Rescuing Your Relationship”

Allowing God to Heal My Messy Marriage (Domingo and Irene Garcia)
Stream this program Part 1 and Part 2
The Garcias married in their teens with a baby already on the way. For the next 10 years, Domingo’s drinking and abuse embittered Irene to the point of seeking a divorce. But when they each encountered God’s forgiveness and embraced a fresh start, they discovered hope that their marriage could actually work – and it has.

Charting a New Course for Your Marriage and Family (Pastor Ray and Mrs. Carol Johnston)
Stream this program Part 1 and Part 2
After generations of divorce in Ray’s family, he and Carol wanted something better. Learn to create a thriving marriage filled with realistic expectations, healthy communication, and a safe environment for children.

Finding Healing For Your Marriage (Bob and Dannah Gresh)
Digital downloadPurchase a CD – Watch on YouTube Part 1 and Part 2
Bob and Dannah Gresh describe how sexual sin nearly tore their marriage apart, and how they found healing and restoration through God’s grace and love. The couple also explores seven truths that lead to a redeemed marriage, getting into practical concepts like openly sharing emotions, setting boundaries, and learning to forgive and trust.

Finding Restoration When Love Is Gone (Dr. David Clarke)
Stream this program Part 1 and Part 2Digital downloadPurchase a CD
Clarke discusses how couples can navigate marital crises and restore lost love. He explores some of the reasons husbands and wives drift apart and how to regain lost self-worth if your spouse says they don’t love you.

Giving Your Marriage a Second Chance (Juana Mikels)
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Mikels tells the dramatic story of abandoning her marriage after three years, finding faith in Christ, and reconciling with her husband.

God’s Word on Divorce and Remarriage (Dr. John MacArthur)
Digital download
MacArthur discusses the clear scriptural guidelines regarding divorce and remarriage. He explains that God allows divorce for specific reasons, and that there is possibility of remarriage without guilt or stigma.

Holding on to Hope During Separation (Dr. Gary Chapman)
Stream this program Part 1 and Part 2Digital downloadPurchase a CD
Chapman talks about troubled marriages and how love is always a choice, not an emotion. He unpacks the sensitive issues of physically abusive relationships, and what to do when one spouse knows the other is in the midst of an affair.

Hope for Every Marriage (Jeff and Cheryl Scruggs)
Stream this program Part 1 and Part 2Digital downloadPurchase a CD
The Scruggs share about their initial marriage, Cheryl’s discontent and affair, and the couple’s divorce. As they began seeking the Lord independently, He called them both to forgiveness—and remarriage to each other. They caution about the importance of communication, and they encourage others with the truth of God’s gracious love.

How God Saved Our Marriage After Infidelity (Mark and Jill Savage)
Digital downloadPurchase a CDWatch on YouTube
Infidelity can destroy a marriage – but it doesn’t have to. Mark and Jill Savage are a testament to this. Mark’s affair broke Jill’s heart and their marriage was on the rocks. But with God’s help, their union has been restored.

Staying Together When You Feel Like Leaving (Bill and Vicki Rose)
Stream this program Part 1 and Part 2Digital downloadPurchase a CD
The Roses were trying to live the high life in Manhattan. They had little in common—and drug abuse, affairs, and their focus on careers only made things worse. They separated for several years, came to Christ, and God has sustained them now through nearly forty years of marriage.

Surviving Divorce and Single Parenthood (Susan Birdseye)
Stream this program Part 1 and Part 2Digital downloadPurchase a CD
After 17 years of marriage and 5 children, Birdseye’s husband chose to leave her for another woman. With transparency and grace, she describes the devastating effects of that choice on her and her children—and she shares of God’s unending mercies in the midst of heartache and uncertainty.

Focus on the Family Counseling Consultation Line
If you need someone to talk to, Focus on the Family offers a free phone counseling consultation with a licensed or pastoral counselor. Call 1-855-771-HELP (4357), Monday through Friday, 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM (MT). 

Focus on the Family’s Christian Counselor Network
Search for licensed Christian counselors in your area.

Hope Restored® marriage intensives—a ministry of Focus on the Family
Our intensive programs are held in a retreat setting and are designed to rebuild and restore marriages experiencing significant hurt.

Center for Divorce Education
Information and programs educate the public about divorce. The group also provides direct support to families going through separation or divorce.

Cloud-Townsend Resources
Henry Cloud and John Townsend offer insight about personal and spiritual growth, marriage, and parenting.

Seminars and local support groups help individuals face the challenges of separation and divorce, and move toward rebuilding their lives.

The HomeWord Center for Youth and Family
Find information related to healthy marriages and parenting, including topics unique to separation and divorce.

Love and Respect Ministries
This ministry offers materials, articles, and conferences designed to help strengthen marriages.