How can “My Body, My Choice” really be a pro-life argument?
If you or someone you know is facing an unplanned pregnancy, you should know that pregnancy resource centers are devoted to offering women alternatives to abortion, helping them make informed choices and providing a range of services to support them throughout their pregnancy and beyond.
Here are some heartwarming mom quotes that highlight the importance of motherhood and celebrate women that step into the role of mom.
Expectations, we all have them! Most of us have high expectations or preferred futures we desire our kids to experience. We know what the result should be, but not necessarily the steps to get there! And sometimes, let’s be honest, when trauma and the world we live in collide, things aren’t as they appear. When …
A fast-growing area of foster care policy is “kinship care,” when extended family members step up to take care of children at risk of going into the system. Part of the boom in kinship care is because official federal policy encourages states to find kinship placements before they turn to foster care. Another reason is the …
In this article, we outline the pro-life and pro-choice meanings, equipping you with enough knowledge to make a confident decision.
When your child learns differently, school can become an unrelenting daily struggle that eats away at the emotional strength of even the most resilient child. Every day, he hears messages from teachers, parents, friends, and even himself to “try harder” and “do his best.” Despite his efforts, he continues to fall further behind the other …
Pro-lifers have an opportunity as cultural tension rises to share abortion pros and cons in compassion, truth and love.
In the controversial world of Pro-life advocacy, one of the hottest debates begins with four little words: Is abortion a sin? Every possible response feels condemning, calloused, uneducated, awkward, or unhelpful. If you say yes, you’re condemning the woman who felt abortion was her only option. If you say no, then you risk justifying every …
While current culture is divided on the abortion issue, we search the scriptures and ask ourselves, “What does the Bible say about abortion?”