Expectations, we all have them! Most of us have high expectations or preferred futures we desire our kids to experience. We know what the result should be, but not necessarily the steps to get there! And sometimes, let’s be honest, when trauma and the world we live in collide, things aren’t as they appear. When …
Our kids need to know they are loved, worthy, valued and created on purpose for a purpose. Their difficulty in overcoming anxiety or depression does not define them.
Our kids’ mental health has nearly been narrowed down to two words: Likes and Followers. Learn how to approach habits for your kids and phones.
Need a New Year’s resolution your kids can keep? This year, resolve to intentionally listen for God’s voice in Scripture and respond to Him.
It’s easy for parents to overlook the impact of foster care on children when considering bringing a foster child into their home. The following stories paint the picture well.It seemed to Camie that she had told her daughter, ten-year-old Alise, for the tenth time, “Share your toys with Susie,” their new foster daughter, age eight. “You …
Raising our children in the admonition of the Lord is done through the little decisions we make daily.
Can an abortion fail? Yes, it can. Learn more from a true life story.
Three-year-old Jake walked into the garage where his foster dad worked on a wood project. The loud sounds of sounds and hammering filled the garage. Almost immediately, Jake became agitated, putting his little hands over his ears. Jake noticed an old pair of earmuffs on the workbench, walked over to them, reached up, and put …
In today’s culture, families are surrounded by accounts of shootings, bombings and mass killings. Equip children with the necessary facts to process these tragic events for a larger understanding and to ease their fears.
We can’t shield our kids from hearing about war, mass shootings, and violence against innocents. But how should you talk to them?