Foster and adoptive families need help in order to thrive. This is how you can support foster and adoptive families.
Supporting Adoptive Families
The Reel Hope Project’s goal is to present children to potential families for who they are as a person. By creating unique, two-minute video reels, The Reel Hope Project gives children for adoption from foster care a chance to say, “This is the real me.”
Make the most of your young adult years. Here are ways you can begin supporting foster and adoptive families.
There are over 55,000 children in California’s foster care system. This is how you can get involved.
You can make Christmas special for kids in foster care by creating and donating any one of these easy holiday crafts.
America’s childhood trauma epidemic garners relatively little attention. Knowing the warning signs of childhood trauma can change that.
Jenn and Josh Hook, joined by Mike Berry, offer advice to help foster and adoptive families find training and support. And, they describe how anyone can help care for hurting kids.
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder affects the brain and body of people who were exposed to alcohol in the womb. Foster, adoptive, and kinship caregivers must be FASD informed.
Our church has been engaged in Adoption and Foster Care for more than ten years now. We believe our calling as God’s people is to care for vulnerable children, giving them hope and a future. Throughout our journey over the past ten years of pressing into this calling, we have seen many families at Mosaic …
Mobilized volunteers make a difference. We cannot merely stand on the sidelines shouting words of affirmation or encouragement without taking action.