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A Parent’s Guide to Today’s Technology (Download)

Find out how kids are using their online and mobile devices, and how that participation can impact them physically, psychologically, emotionally and socially.

Estimated reading time: 1 minute

Let us help your family make smart decisions when it comes to smart phones and technology! A Parent’s Guide to Today’s Technology will give you up to date information on how kids are using mobile and online devices, and how that participation can impact them physically, psychologically, emotionally and socially.

Our annual tech guide provides parents with information and suggestions to help them talk to their kids about technology – so their family can enjoy the benefits of interacting online, while minimizing the potential problems related to use of technology.

YouTube video

Some of our most knowledgeable experts have collaborated to cover a wide variety of relevant topics, including:

  • The Brain and Technology
  • Video Games
  • Social Media
  • Hidden Apps
  • Cyberbullying and More
YouTube video

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