Empathy is more than feeling sorry that your spouse is burdened or troubled. Empathy takes place as you carry your spouse’s burdens.
Marital Communication
Validation is safely allowing your spouse to share his or her thoughts and feelings. The message is that it’s okay to think and feel the way he or she does.
Active listening is a powerful tool in any relationship, but is an essential skill in marriage.
Couples often find themselves in avoidable conflict. But how can you avoid it?
Before you can begin to talk over the conflict like reasonable, loving adults, you have to pry your closed hearts open again.
Conflict is inevitable in marriage and can create damage or discovery — we choose which it will be. Discovery means learning new ideas, approaches and solutions if we fight together for our marriage.
If your approach to conflict resolution is going nowhere, you may need a heart change. Try these five ideas.
Emotional abuse in marriage is one of the hardest forms of abuse to recognize, but unrepentant patterns are the key to identifying it.
Couples can build a healthy marriage when they offer encouragement to bring about change, growth and the fulfillment of potential.
I’ve yet to meet a married couple who didn’t struggle with unspoken expectations. By learning to talk about expectations in your marriage, you can begin to establish a more satisfying relationship.